Tuesday, April 24, 2007


On Wednesday I am going to have Carpal Tunnel CTS on both hands.....This is something that has been building up for a few years.............I am having it done during the off season so they say............The type of work I am involved in (auto) is very repetitive and very hands on ..................The NFL draft is on Saturday and some friends are gathering at a local retreat for some Di'gournos and coldies as we say.............Looks like I may need a taxi, for there is no way they are driving me..................

So ,,,,If you look at these pages for the next several days and nothing seems to change,,,,,,,,,,,that is the reason....................I have no co author available in this instance.............ha.............

The tv remote will be my fave friend in the coming days..........Hope to see you soon.....

1 comment:

Natsthename said...

Hope it goes well and you heal quickly!

Will miss you!