Thursday, April 12, 2007

A rant..........When Is Al gonna apologize to Duke Players!!!!!

I am not prejudiced..........I for one hate everyone....................I don't care if you are black,white,red,or yellow.............There,that just about covers them all.....................Until I can trust you, no matter the color, I do not like you period.........................
There are just way too many people out there who want your money,car,wife,woman,man,soul...............
They will lie,cheat,rob,and steal to get what they want..................There are bad people of all colors..........................There are good people of all colors and I do have friends of all color...................
This Imus stuff that is going on needs to be buried and a lesson should be learned by ALL colors.....................Disrespect to woman,people of color(yes white IS a color), has no place in society..................PERIOD.

Al you need to apoligize to the Duke players that were wrongly accused, Imus has apoligized............Larry Birkhead is the father...............Can't we all just get along.........


Natsthename said...

Right on, man. I said at work today that if Imus and his cohort had been ripping on "towel-headed hos" instead, hardly anyone would have complained or even noticed. I guess we are picky about who it's ok to pick on?

Titangoober said...

I agree........sticks and stones can hurt my bones, but words will never hurt me.........

Don Imus should have told Al to kiss his rosey ass and never should have went into Als studio........

Don did the right thing by saying he was sorry to the girls.......

He will land on his feet somewhere........

Natsthename said...

He sure will.