Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Back from the trip

Bruce and I Friday fishing for trout and gettin' our bellys full of the tasty fish on Saturday.......Sunday morn took off for Indy in a downpour............It was gonna be that kinda day...............The skies cleared around ten am and the track was ready to race at noon as advertised...............We met up with some fan friends of past and really was enjoying the race with rain clouds threatening from the west.............You could see the rain looking west from our seats.................After several wrecks in our end of the track it began to rain.............Tony Kanaan looked to have a very fast car.............We went down on the concourse in search of Fosters,,,the big ones.............After a three hour rain delay, it was race time..........113 laps of 200 had been completed so far.............Half of the fans were gone............Seen here outside of the gates heading out.........Not us,,,,,,,are you kidding???????????????
After 50 or so more laps Dario (JUDD) Franchitti was the winner during the final downpour and yellow flag............Bruce really enjoyed the race and so did I.................Nothing like being at the greatest sports spectacle in the world............And NOTHING like home again in Indiana.........Thanks Greg, I put this pic of one of your faves ,,,Johnny Rutherfords car at the museum.........The museum at the track on the infield is a definite go...................

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