Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Game three....Giants at Cubs July 18....

I knew going into a big city like Chicago that I had to have my alert/thinking cap screwed on pretty tightly.....While parking my car legally on the side street, behind Devry University out on west Addison, I spotted this paper sign......Tomorrow there was to be a movie shoot here......NO PARKING.........

Rode the bike down onto the bike/walking trail on Lake Shore Drive......This area has many sitting areas, with beautiful views.......I made the mistake of switching digital cameras on this day and you can tell............

A nice view of the Sears Tower in the distance........

My seat view for game three which was the first day game that week...........Sat down on the lower third base side........I did not like this seat........I lost the ball as it was crossing the plate.......

Left field bleacher bums getting settled in........Oh, by the way.......The prima donna did not play this game......

Is that an OLD STYLE?????? Today was a good day to pound beers at the park....

This is the area I sat in the first two nights.......Good view of home plate........

HEY HEY............we miss you Harry...........

Wrigley Field nachos are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of jalapeƱos.........

The ushers were very nice and I sat and told stories with two of them...........They shared stories that can only be told at the park............This is what I want to be when I grow up!!!!!!!!!!!!! A Wrigley Field usher!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carlos Zambrano threw a gem this day.........I believe he went seven innings and got much run support...............CUBS WIN 12-1.............Where is Barry??????

Alfonso Soriano getting a good look at a pitch...........

All the crowd was pumped............Come on now Barry, get out there and be a team player!!!!!!

Crack open a nice cold Bud Light Beer and enjoy the game,,,,you,,,,the seventh inning stretch baseball singer.................After the game I wondered around the park again...........The game has a whole different feel during the day.............

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